I've invested in a nice camera and gotten pretty good at taking pictures for family and friends... I'd love to turn this passion into a business but don't know where to start.

I feel like an imposter and I'm not sure if anyone will take me seriously as a professional photographer. 

How do I get clients to actually book me? I don't know how to stand out among allll of the other photographers in my area.

What should I charge so I'm actually making money instead of working for free? And how can I charge that much when I'm just starting out?

I'm busy. I need someone to just show me what to do so I don't have to spend hours researching this stuff and doing things that don't work. 

Then I'm so glad you're here, because you're definitely in the right place! 
I've been there and I'd love to help you make this dream a reality!

Does this sound like you?

Nodding along so far? 






I used to be in your shoes... frustrated, overwhelmed, and getting nowhere trying to turn my passion into a business. My background was in medicine (I knew nothing about photography besides that I liked taking pictures), and I had two young kids at home. But I was craving a creative outlet... and maybe even a business of my own. 

I spent YEARS doing allllll the things... watching random YouTube videos, downloading freebies trying to piece together information, taking on every session that came along, and pricing my sessions way too low because I felt like my work wasn't good enough yet. 

Then something clicked and I realized that if I was going to be successful, I would have to invest in myself and get serious about stepping into the identity of a photographer. I took courses, attended workshops, and hired a photography mentor. And I slowly discovered what worked and what didn't. 

Over the past 10 years, I've built a successful photography business... without giving up precious time with my family.  I've taken everything I've learned on my journey and put it into The Path to Photography because I wish I would have had all of this in one place when I was first starting out! You don't have to figure it all out on your own! And your dream of running a successful photography business IS possible!

I've been there too... chasing my dream while chasing my kiddos and trying to balance alllll the things!

You deliver an amazing client experience from start to finish that leaves a great impression and she raves about you on her social media posts.

You have a ton of new content for your own social media, and a beautiful website set up, so that when people click over to your page, you truly stand out above the crowd.

You flip open your calendar and see that the next 3 months are filled with sessions... you're so excited because you know that your branding and messaging are attracting your perfect clients!

You have a streamlined process for sending over the contract, invoice, and a questionnaire. This makes you stand out as a professional (and it's automated so it doesn't waste hours of your time).

You open your email and find a new message from your dream client saying that she loves your work and wants to book a session. You respond confidently with your pricing info and next steps, and she immediately picks a date. 


You can turn your love for photography into a profitable business, even if you don't have years of experience or a ton of free time!

Guess what?

All of that CAN be your reality... you just need a roadmap on how to get there!

In the next 30 days, you could launch your own business on a solid foundation and be making money doing what you love!

The Path to Photography

Get everything you need inside

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

Yes, this is what I've been looking for!!


get your business legit

systems and productivity

Social media


CLient experience

How to attract your dream client

Discover what sets you apart from other photographers 

Learn how to speak in a way that draws people to your brand

Build a brand that goes way beyond your logo and fonts 

Where to find your people and connect with them

How to create some buzz around your business

My process from inquiry to final gallery delivery (and beyond)

Client gifts that don't break the bank 

Discover how to get those coveted repeat clients 

How to ask for referrals and get people telling all their friends

Take the guesswork out of pricing 

Get clear on your goals and what it takes to run your business

Learn exactly what you should be charging to meet your goals

Strategies for pricing, customizable to your own business

Get access to my own pricing spreadsheets and calculators 

How to design your website to stand out 

Learn Showit so you don't have to spend money on a designer 

Key elements to your website to make sure it's working for you

SEO strategies so clients can find you on Google 

Top website mistakes and how to avoid them

Licenses, fees, business accounts, oh my!

Protecting yourself - contracts and insurance 

Tracking expenses, mileage, and write offs 

How to collect and pay sales tax 

All the legal stuff for peace of mind

Client management systems and how to use them 

Make more money with your online galleries 

Get my customizable client guide 

Email templates to book more clients and make more money

Create systems so that you spend less time behind your computer

How to connect with potential clients online 

The do's and don'ts of posting 

Letting your personality shine through 

The mistake most photographers make 

How to use social media as a business tool 

marketing and branding

Here's what you'll learn:


Creating a business involves so many little steps... but I'm going to hand you everything you need to fast track your success.

AND... one 45 minute Zoom call with me - we can cover whatever you need help with - pricing, marketing - the sky's the limit!

My own drag and drop client guide template made in Canva so you don't have to start from scratch

Discount codes and links to save money on all of the different programs you'll need

A personalized website review from me! This is HUGE... having fresh eyes on your website is a game-changer!

PLUS... for a limited time, you'll unlock all of these bonuses!

A printable PDF where you can jot down notes and get your ideas down on paper 

Access to the exact pricing spreadsheets and calculators that I use in my own business

Access to an exclusive online community where you can ask me anything.... I answer every question personally, so you're never left without support

Lifetime access to pre-recorded video lessons, so you can watch them at your own pace and refer back to them as much as needed

What you get inside of the program:


This is the beginning of everything you want

Create an amazing client experience that will keep them coming back... and telling all their friends!

Create a brand that is unique to you, instead of just copying what you see everyone else doing!

Provide a beautiful service for your clients, and make a positive impact on their lives!

Set (or raise) your prices confidently, and have a plan on how to meet your income goals!

Design a beautiful website that will attract your dream clients and make you stand out as truly professional!

By the end of this program, you'll know how to:

DOes this all sound amazing or what?

What are you waiting for?






"Kristen's mentorship program has been an absolute game-changer for me. Transitioning from a hobbyist to a professional photographer felt daunting, but Kristen's guidance was exactly what I needed to gain confidence and clarity. The modules were not only easy to follow but tailored perfectly for visual learners like myself. What truly set this course apart was Kristen's accessibility and personalized approach. The ability to add on one-on-one video calls made the experience incredibly personal, and her feedback was filled with wisdom and encouragement. With Kristen as my cheerleader, I felt empowered to take the leap into this new adventure. I can't recommend her program highly enough for anyone looking to establish their photography business with confidence."    - Felicia 

What others are saying...

If you show up, complete the lessons, and do all the work.... I'm confident that you will be able to launch your business and start making money as a photographer in as little as a month.
Or, if you already have a business, this will help you take it to the next level and get really clear on who you're serving, be able to charge higher prices, and develop a marketing strategy that actually works and attracts your dream clients!

You deserve to have the business and life of your dreams

This is everything I wish I would have had when I started


+ Four modules full of content 

+ Lifetime access 

+ Spreadsheets and templates

+ PDF workbook

+ Personalized website review

+ Online community

+ One 45 minute Zoom call with me

+ Four modules full of content 

+ Lifetime access 

+ Spreadsheets and templates

+ PDF workbook

+ Personalized website review

+ Online community

+ One 45 minute Zoom call with me


The Path to Photography Blueprint

this sounds amazing... how much is It?


Pay in full $1190

On sale for $595 if you purchase in the next 48 hours

2 monthly payments of $600

Or just 2 payments of $300 if you purchase in the next 48 hours

Dream big 
Start small 
But most of all, start

- Simon Sinek

"Quote from a past student can go here. Tiramisu bear claw croissant candy canes macaroon cotton candy cake I love dragée. "

Imagine a life where you're in charge of your schedule. Imagine what it would feel like to have a creative outlet that actually earned you money. A creative outlet that is a true gift to others because you're preserving their memories in a beautiful way. Imagine being able to make a real impact with your business. All while having more flexibility and freedom to be with your own family too. 

Four months from now, you'll be so glad that you took the leap and started off on a journey that changed your life. I know that if you invest in your dream, it'll be sooo worth it! And I'd love to help you get there!

this could be the moment that changes everything

Kristen captured our family beautifully. She worked her magic with the littles and even got authentic smiles from my husband! I could not be more pleased with Kristen, our experience, and her work - every shot is exceptional!!

If you are looking for a photographer who personalizes your photo session and who makes every moment enjoyable, then you need to look no further, because Kristen is the absolute Best photographer we have ever entrusted with our family memories!! We enthusiastically recommend Kristen!!

Kristen is not only amazing at what she does, she makes it enjoyable for everyone! It's so obvious that she loves what she does so much, which translates into the best experience for her clients! She genuinely wants your photos to be the best they can be and it's such a pleasure to work with her!

Kristen, our photos are simply stunning. I will hardly be able to choose favorites. Thank you for working your magic, for your patience, guidance, and most importantly your insane talent! I'll now get back to obsessing over these all night long!

to help you get testimonials like these!

It's my mission





Yes! This is ALL of the stuff I wish I had when I was brand new to photography! If you love taking pictures and would love to turn your passion into a business... I'll show you the exact steps to get started off on the right foot!  If you're still learning your camera and how to shoot in manual mode, I HIGHLY recommend checking out my course: Unlocking the Magic of your Camera!

Yes! Even if you've been shooting for a year of two and have paying clients, if you're not seeing the results you want... I promise this program will help! Maybe you're frustrated with advertising or how to raise your prices. Totally normal... and this program will help! 

Absolutely! I believe that this course will save you so much time. You don't have to DIY it and your business growth doesn't have to be slow. Instead, with a little guidance, you can start off charging higher prices and booking your calendar faster.  You'll make your investment back in just a couple of sessions, and will be able to grow and scale from there!

I get it... life is busy! So no worries... you'll have lifetime access to all of the prerecorded lessons and downloadable resources so you can go at your own pace. But on average, if you spend 4 hours a week working through the material, you'll have your business set up and ready to go in 2 months or less!

You'll have access to our private online community where you can reach out anytime you want for advice, feedback, or questions. I respond to every comment within 48 hours, so you're never left without support!
(This is HUGE and not a part of many other programs you see out there.) PLUS you'll get one 45-minute Zoom call to use anytime during your first 3 months in the program. AND a website review from me! You truly don't have to do this alone!

No worries! Once you're inside of the program, you can also purchase additional 1 on 1 calls with me anytime you'd like! This way if you're stuck on pricing or how to build your website, we can hash it out together!

No worries! You can always schedule a 1:1 phone call or zoom call with me to talk about your specific needs and questions! I'm happy to help!

6. What if I need more help?

You'll have access to our private online community where you can reach out anytime you want for advice, feedback, or questions. I respond to every comment within 48 hours, so you're never left without support!
(This is HUGE and not a part of many other programs you see out there.)

5. How much access to you will I get?

I get it... life is busy! So no worries... you'll have lifetime access to all of the prerecorded lessons and downloadable resources. 


Absolutely! There is SOOO much information packed inside this course. It'll help you get your business off the ground faster, and you'll be able to charge higher prices once you're done! After doing just 2-3 sessions, you'll have earned your investment back and can grow and scale from there!

3. Is it worth it?

Yes! Even if you've been shooting for a year of two and have paying clients, if you're not seeing the results you want... I promise this program will help! Maybe you're frustrated with advertising or how to raise your prices. Totally normal... and this program will help! 

2. I'm experienceD... will I get anything out of this?

Yes! This is ALL of the stuff I wish I had when I was brand new to photography and thinking about starting my business! If you haven't yet mastered shooting in manual mode, I recommend adding on my Unlocking the Magic of you Camera Course as well!

1. I'm Brand new to Photography... is this for me?


You might be wondering...

Online community for daily support - I respond personally to every question

A personalized website review that will help take your website to the next level

Downloadable resources and spreadsheets that will save you so much time

4 self-paced modules packed FULL of everything you need to know... all in one place

What's included

You don't have to see the whole staircase... you just have to take the first step

"Quote from a past student can go here. Tiramisu bear claw croissant candy canes macaroon cotton candy cake I love dragée. "

You'd rather just try to DIY it and figure it all out on your own with trial and error

You're not ready to put in the work to make this dream a reality

Your business is licensed, you have a real website set up, you're confident in your pricing, and you know how to market to your audience

Your calendar is full of clients and you're already making 60K+ as a photographer

You're self driven and ready to get to work learning all you can!

You want to know how to price your sessions and how to actually make a profit doing what you love

You love photography and you’ve either been dreaming about starting your own business or you’re in the first couple years of business

You want to book more sessions and learn how to really attract the right clients to you

Still can't decide?


This IS definitely for you if...

It's probably NOT for you if... 

Sometimes our brain tries to talk us out of things because it’s safer to stick with what we know... The 9-5. The steady, reliable job. And so we can come up with all of the reasons not to invest in ourselves. "I’m too busy. The kids are too little. This isn’t the right time. Who am I to do this?" 

I hear you, and I know what that voice can sound like. Because I’ve been there. But several years ago, I chose to take the leap and listen to my gut, and it has MORE than paid off. 

I would love to walk alongside you as you create your own business! Just imagine where you could be in 2 months if you had a plan to walk you through everything you need to do.  Are you ready to finally make this happen?

In 2 months you could look back at this moment and think "that's when everything changed"

Don't let fear hold you back

Kristen Johnson Photography